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- Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma!
- Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
- Anti Christmas Cholesterol
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- Calorie and Weight Gain
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- How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
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- Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
- Purple Corn Carotenoids
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- Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
- Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
- Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Purple Corn Flavonoids
Flavonoids are micro or phyto nutrients that help your immune system fight against free radicals that cause deadly diseases. Among the diseases is the dreaded cancer. Now, if the cancer has already penetrated your system, flavonoids can delay the damaging effects of free radicals. That means your tumor growth halts or gradually reduces. Then you can increase the dosage--like triple it--to kill the cancer altogether.
Purple corn flavonoids also stop bad cholesterol or LDL from undergoing oxidation. Once LDL oxidizes due to free radicals, it hardens into fat and calcium deposits that stick to your blood vessel walls and eventually clog them. If the route to your heart gets clogged, you suffer a heart attack. If the clogging happens along the path to your brain, you suffer a stroke. But regular intake of purple corn juice can minimize, if not eliminate, these problems.
Purple corn flavonoids also prevent the narrowing of blood vessels, which is called vasoconstriction. Instead, they promote blood vessel widening or dilating (or promote blood vessel elasticity or flexibility) which allows free and normal flow of blood.
Purple corn flavonoids can also be beneficial against bacteria, viruses, allergies, and even inflammation. For instance, you're suffering from sinusitis triggered by an allergy, or tonsillitis caused by bacteria. Purple corn flavonoids can stop inflammation and remedy the allergy or bacteria.
Purple corn flavonoids also regulate excessive blood clots that affect the platelets.
Hence, there are a lot more of health benefits from taking purple corn juice regularly. Aside from its rich Anthocyanin content, we can also derive good health and healing from its flavonoid content.
To benefit from all this, a maintenance dosage of 20 to 30 ml a day is excellent. But if you suffer from mild diseases take 30 to 50 ml a day. Well, we love purple corn juice that sometimes we often drink a glass of it. If you haven’t tried it, now is the time!
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Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma
Anti Christmas Cholesterol
Anti Heart Diseases
Anti-Aging Hits It All
Antioxidant Benefits: Boosting Natural Immunity
Asthma since birth gone
Athritis Healed by Purple Corn Juice
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Calorie and Weight Gain
Cysts in the Breast
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Dengue Fever and Chicken Pox
Diabetes Heart and Prostate Problems Healed
Diabetes Solutions Healer
Do You Easily Catch Cold
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Healed Chikungunya
Healed Diabetes by purple corn
Healed Hepatitis and Chronic Liver
Healed Prostate and High Blood
How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
How Purple Corn Helps Brain Health
How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes
Improve and Boost immunity
Luekemia Healed
Lupus or Auto-immune Disease Healed
Migraine Heal
Ovary cyst gone easily
Prostate Inflammation Healed
Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
Purple Corn Carotenoids
Purple Corn Flavonoids
Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity
Purple Corn is Anti-Aging
Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
Stomach Ache Problem healed
Stroke and High Blood Pressure Healed
Success Weight Loss
Swollen Foot Normalized
Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
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