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Showing posts with label Purple Corn is Anti-Aging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purple Corn is Anti-Aging. Show all posts
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Purple Corn is Anti-Aging

Purple corn is anti-aging, and this is not just about skin health and good looks. And neither is this about zero aging. Most people get the funny idea that it's zero aging when they hear the words anti-aging. They ask, "How come so-and-so looks old and yet takes such-and-such anti-aging supplement?" Supplements are anti-aging not because they eliminate aging but because they delay it. No one can stop aging, except God. Supplements are not God.

But supplements help a lot to forestall aging so you can buy time. Like how purple corn juice is anti-aging. You see, delay aging and you delay the death of your body cells and organs and systems. Anti-aging may mean longer life. That's definitely more important than better looks. Aging also means more cell deaths and weaker immune system and being more prone to diseases. Without enough natural nutrition, our bodies age faster and easily give way to aging symptoms like more and more memory loss, weaker bones, weaker organs especially the heart and lungs, drier skin, eyesight problems, hair loss, and many more.

Regularly taking purple corn juice can check systems failure and help repair our bodies more to cope up with daily stress, which causes terrible wear-out or "rusting" effects, which experts call oxidation. Unknown to many (because they don't feel the initial effects), stress is a powerful oxidant, destroying your health and fast-forwarding aging. Some people take synthetic supplements, like synthetic Vitamin E, but these have side-effects. Nothing beats all-natural. In this, the blue grain drink from Peru is among the best. Purple corn is anti-aging.

Anthocyanin and Lutein

Anthocyanin and Lutein are among the nutrients in purple corn responsible for anti-aging. Anthocyanin in particular rejuvenates cell health and that includes your skin cells. So you should look younger with this health beverage, but it won't stop aging. More importantly, anthocyanin will make you feel stronger and more energetic like a youth, and actually make you healthier.

You basically have the same looks, but you move faster than most people your age, your muscles are firmer, your face and body are leaner, you don't have a bulging belly, your eyes see better, and you stand, walk, and sit erect. And when you take a blood chemistry test everything's normal. Yeah, you're looking good. You're in tiptop health.

That's how purple corn is anti-aging. It won't turn you into a baby or kid or teenager, but you'd feel lots stronger and you get a clean bill of health. And much better if you maintain a regular workout. Purple corn health benefits would give you much more.

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