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- Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
- Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
- Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
- Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
You should try this. In fact, you should do this each time you drink this super healthy beverage--take purple corn juice sublingually. This way you absorb the nutrients faster, simpler, and better. If you want a sure and safe shortcut to health supplement nutrition, do it through sublingual administration. And do it first thing in the morning.
Sublingual administration means you let the juice loiter under your tongue for 1 or 2 minutes before swallowing it. You get more nutrients that way because chances are, only the salivary enzymes would cause slight degradation on them prior to their introduction to the blood stream, and you get more nutrient percentage. Salivary degradation is minimal to cause any major nutrient loss.
When you drink a health supplement, it goes through the long and arduous process of the digestive system. Just imagine the bile and stomach acid plus plenteous amounts of other enzymes like monoamine oxidase. After the tremendous and stressful bout in your tummy, the health supplement can be altered at liver stage of your body's absorption, not to mention the GI tract solubility.
WOW! Talk about intestinal red tape! I thought that only government processes took away all the main bulk of project funds so that the project itself receives so little in the end, if any, resulting to malnourished infrastructures. That was what they were debating over in the Senate and some TV talk shows rode on the bandwagon. And then the street protests are easily foreseeable in the offing.
Well, anyway...
Back to taking purple corn juice sublingually and sublingual administration. Under the tongue are a profusion of mucous membranes and capillaries that easily absorb medicines. And your health supplement taken likewise incurs the same effect--fast and better! Face the mirror and bend your tongue the other way (with the tip of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth) and see the thin capillaries underneath. Your ingested purple corn juice sublingually is diffused there and quickly enters your body system, bypassing the digestive processes. You get almost full benefit within seconds. Imagine that! If you merely swallow your juice, the digestive tract might ruin some of the nutrients and you get minimal effect.
Sublingual administration is advisable for patients with deadly diseases. Their ailment may render their digestive absorption too weak to get full benefits from purple corn flavonoids and anthocyanins and polyphenols. In this case, sublingual administration is ideal.
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Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma
Anti Christmas Cholesterol
Anti Heart Diseases
Anti-Aging Hits It All
Antioxidant Benefits: Boosting Natural Immunity
Asthma since birth gone
Athritis Healed by Purple Corn Juice
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Dengue Fever and Chicken Pox
Diabetes Heart and Prostate Problems Healed
Diabetes Solutions Healer
Do You Easily Catch Cold
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Healed Chikungunya
Healed Diabetes by purple corn
Healed Hepatitis and Chronic Liver
Healed Prostate and High Blood
How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
How Purple Corn Helps Brain Health
How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes
Improve and Boost immunity
Luekemia Healed
Lupus or Auto-immune Disease Healed
Migraine Heal
Ovary cyst gone easily
Prostate Inflammation Healed
Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
Purple Corn Carotenoids
Purple Corn Flavonoids
Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity
Purple Corn is Anti-Aging
Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
Stomach Ache Problem healed
Stroke and High Blood Pressure Healed
Success Weight Loss
Swollen Foot Normalized
Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
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Will definitely try this way, as having them in regular diet will simply make me healthier I believe. You can also take help from the Tahitian Noni Juice and try it this way too as this is health too.
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