Why do we buy this?
- Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma!
- Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
- Anti Christmas Cholesterol
- Anti Heart Diseases
- Anti-Aging Hits It All
- Antioxidant Benefits: Boosting Natural Immunity
- Calorie and Weight Gain
- Do You Easily Catch Cold?
- How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
- How Purple Corn Helps Brain Health
- How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes
- Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
- Purple Corn Carotenoids
- Purple Corn is Anti-Aging
- Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
- Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
- Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
- Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
Showing posts with label Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants. Show all posts
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
Your body naturally produces antioxidants but sometime in life they start being produced less until production plunges down to zero. That's when you get too old or near your death. All the while that your body decreases in antioxidant production, you get more free radicals, both from within and without. You breathe in pollution daily, eat junk or cholesterol-rich food, eat food with chemicals (even fruits and veggies), drink alcoholic beverages or softdrinks, smoke or get side-stream smoke, drink acidic water, you are subjected to more stress, and you get older. That’s among other factors that help free radical entry into your body system.
But you don't get new batches of antioxidants. You know when you stop producing antioxidants naturally? Experts say at age 25, or somewhere in that age vicinity. So in your body, antioxidants get outnumbered in their battles against free radicals on a daily basis. Until they're gone. That's when you get stage 4 this or that disease, if not both.
Okay, so you begin to eat more fruits to load up on antioxidants. Good! But not too good. Fruits and veggies today are mostly grown in acidic environment--farms applied with chemical this and that. And chemicals do not get eliminated in cooking, much more when eaten raw. Wash them all you want, the chemical stays on them. So, you help reinforce free radicals more instead of sending in a fresh reinforcement of antioxidants. Tragic. Oh, by the way, nutrition experts say many dried fruits have more antioxidants in them, like prunes and raisins, than eating them fresh, like plums and grapes respectively.
But do eat fresh fruits for their fibers, vitamins, and minerals.
So you see, even if your body naturally produces antioxidants, they're never enough to ward off free radicals that cause deadly diseases. And eating fresh or dried fruits isn't enough either. You need to supplement. Studies show that people who supplemented on antioxidants were smarter and more logical, even with advanced age. This shows that they're not that affected by aging. As you age your body decreases antioxidant production. That weakens your body and brain functions. But if you're smarter (or at least remain smart) as you age, that means you get enough antioxidants to fight off oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
And talking of antioxidants, among the most powerful in the world is Anthocyanin. It powerfully prevents oxidative stress, especially LDL oxidation. Once LDL gets frequently oxidized, you get more susceptible to ailments. Now, the champion when it comes to anthocyanin content is purple corn grown in Peru. No, you don't need to go to Peru. We have it right here in the Philippines in juice form--yes, purple corn juice sourced straight from Peru. Your body naturally produces antioxidants, but you need to supplement.
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Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma
Anti Christmas Cholesterol
Anti Heart Diseases
Anti-Aging Hits It All
Antioxidant Benefits: Boosting Natural Immunity
Asthma since birth gone
Athritis Healed by Purple Corn Juice
Boost Energy
Calorie and Weight Gain
Cysts in the Breast
Dengue Fever Healed
Dengue Fever and Chicken Pox
Diabetes Heart and Prostate Problems Healed
Diabetes Solutions Healer
Do You Easily Catch Cold
Goiter Reduced
Healed Chikungunya
Healed Diabetes by purple corn
Healed Hepatitis and Chronic Liver
Healed Prostate and High Blood
How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
How Purple Corn Helps Brain Health
How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes
Improve and Boost immunity
Luekemia Healed
Lupus or Auto-immune Disease Healed
Migraine Heal
Ovary cyst gone easily
Prostate Inflammation Healed
Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
Purple Corn Carotenoids
Purple Corn Flavonoids
Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity
Purple Corn is Anti-Aging
Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
Stomach Ache Problem healed
Stroke and High Blood Pressure Healed
Success Weight Loss
Swollen Foot Normalized
Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
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