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Showing posts with label Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity. Show all posts
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity

Here's the bad news: pork stays idle in your digestive system for 72 hours after you eat it and often rots there before it's taken out of your system. And usually, it's not entirely eliminated; some residues stick to the intestinal walls and harden if you're not careful about your dietary fiber intake.

Then your fat deposits give you some serious health problems later, aside from a bulging tummy. Then you gain weight uncontrollably. The good new is, purple corn juice is anti heart diseases and obesity.

Another bad news: the pork you ate gave you problems in your digestive system, but the trouble didn't stop there. It also gave you problems in your circulatory system. The bad cholesterol is now floating in your blood stream waiting for a free radical to oxidize it. Once it chances on a free radical (which we get from an unhealthy lifestyle), the bad cholesterol or LDL becomes a fat, and later, calcium deposit or blockage on your arterial walls. When it further accumulates there, it's a time bomb ready to burst your arteries anytime, giving you a heart attack or stroke. The good news is, purple corn juice is anti heart diseases and obesity.

Another bad news: the pork you ate came from pigs injected with strong anti-biotics. The anti-biotics stay in the pork and do not get eliminated during washing or cooking. You eat the pork, you get the antibiotics, too, and soon your body gets too much antibiotics and bacteria in you get too resistant. You'd need high doses of antibiotics to treat bacterial ailments with. Your immune system suffers, too. Then you'd be too sick or sickly to workout and you gain weight and become obese which invites heart diseases and increases blood sugar count.  The good news is, purple corn juice is anti-heart diseases and obesity as well as a powerful detox and anti-infection remedy.

But the real question is--can we get rid of fats and pork from our diets for good? In the hassle and bustle of city life, eating unhealthily is sometimes an inevitable option. Lots of times, we have no choice. I'm a health buff who loves fresh fruits and veggies, but sometimes I have no choice but to eat in fast food stores and consume amounts of fats, pork and chemicals in food.

The good news is we can supplement. And we need to. It's no longer optional. And if you're supplementing, you might as well take the best and most powerful. Aside from helping heal other diseases, purple corn juice is anti heart diseases and obesity, which are health features we all need, whether you're in or out of shape.

If you’re in the Philippines and want to try purple corn juice, just see my contact info on the side bar.

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