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- Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma!
- Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
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- Calorie and Weight Gain
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- Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Calorie and Weight Gain
Calorie is what we need for energy. If you exercise a lot you need it. If you have lots of it, you need to exercise more. Nothing bad about it except that too much unburned calorie in your body leads to obesity and then later, if uncontrolled, possibly type 2 diabetes. Then that might lead to kidney troubles requiring dialysis or worse, cancer. You have to control your calorie intake, or else...
On the other hand, too little calories in your body make you weak, sickly, and even deformed or looking older than your age. Do you look older than you actually are? It's probably a calorie problem. A too low-calorie diet means less energy for exercise and that certainly makes you always too tired to workout. Low calorie also weakens the immune system and causes muscle atrophy--your muscles shrink and it pains you to do even the simplest athletic movements--like brisk walk. Simple dancing makes your face twitch in exhaustion.
If you note these symptoms in you, you may need more calories. But see your doctor first.
Anyway, you now see calorie and weight gain, don't you? So it's not something you can ignore or a laughing matter. You have to balance your caloric diet. And if you're fond of calorically rich food, you have to exercise more to burn them well. Weight loss or gain is really simple--just watch your calorie and weight gain. To aid your watching, here are top 10 calorie rich food:
1. Fats from animals. Careful with those crispy chicken skins, fish oils, pork chops and other chops, and fish bellies and skin.
2. Oils from vegetables. Watch your vegetable or soya oil. Prefer Canola or olive. And careful with too much peanuts.
3. Seeds and nuts. Go slow on pili nuts.
4. Salad dressings--all of them.
5. Peanut Butter...of course.
6. Junk Food...a definite no-no!
7. Dark chocolates and candies.
8. Cheese. So don't say it...
9. Fried Food. What else?
10. Processed Meats. There go your hotdogs and sausages and beef patties.
Here are some food low on calories: fibrous carbo and veggies like lettuce, broccoli cucumber, asparagus. Our bodies find calories in fibers hard to absorb. So there you go. Now you know more or less how to balance things.
Now watch this: a cup of chopped cucumber and a cup of raisins differ in caloric content. The raisins have higher. Why? Because cucumber has fibers and water content. Raisins are dry and thus high in calories. So watch your calorie and weight gain.
Here’s the Bottomline
Now, the bottomline in all this is, purple corn juice is liquid and rich in fiber. Yet it has enough calories for energy. It also burns fat. So, drinking purple corn balances your calorie intake and manages your ideal weight well.
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Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma
Anti Christmas Cholesterol
Anti Heart Diseases
Anti-Aging Hits It All
Antioxidant Benefits: Boosting Natural Immunity
Asthma since birth gone
Athritis Healed by Purple Corn Juice
Boost Energy
Calorie and Weight Gain
Cysts in the Breast
Dengue Fever Healed
Dengue Fever and Chicken Pox
Diabetes Heart and Prostate Problems Healed
Diabetes Solutions Healer
Do You Easily Catch Cold
Goiter Reduced
Healed Chikungunya
Healed Diabetes by purple corn
Healed Hepatitis and Chronic Liver
Healed Prostate and High Blood
How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
How Purple Corn Helps Brain Health
How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes
Improve and Boost immunity
Luekemia Healed
Lupus or Auto-immune Disease Healed
Migraine Heal
Ovary cyst gone easily
Prostate Inflammation Healed
Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
Purple Corn Carotenoids
Purple Corn Flavonoids
Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity
Purple Corn is Anti-Aging
Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
Stomach Ache Problem healed
Stroke and High Blood Pressure Healed
Success Weight Loss
Swollen Foot Normalized
Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
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