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Friday, July 20, 2012

How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes

Eating a regular diet low on carbohydrates and fat (especially carbohydrates and sweets) and abundant in antioxidant may lessen the danger of insulin resistance and obesity. Countless testimonials aver that eating veggies and fruits with lots of polyphenols like purple corn's anthocyanin lessen the occurrence of type-2 diabetes, showing anecdotally how purple corn is anti-diabetes. This blood-sugar related disease is derived mostly from obesity and linked to insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is when insulin abnormally stimulates the supply of glucose in fat also abnormally suppresses the production of hepatic glucose. This condition is alleviated through oral hypoglycemic agents. They influence insulin release directly from beta cells. An example is sulfonylurea-based drugs.

Yes, hypoglycemic agents can raise up insulin release or secretion from islets of type-2 patients and help normalize blood glucose levels. And yes, it can also control peripheral insulin resistance. But, with sulfonylurea-based drugs, say some experts, there is a failure to really normalize blood glucose levels long term. Moreover, the drug also badly affects the normal and consistent secretion of insulin by beta cells and this often leads to obesity.

It would help a lot to eat natural food that helps regulate levels of blood glucose or at least help pancreas beta cells to induce insulin production in diabetic patients. Here in Asia, eating ampalaya (bitter melon) and drinking the brew from the boiled amplaya leaves as tea reportedly normalizes blod sugar dramatically. And doing it with help from purple corn anthocyanin is worth a shot. It could be the way how purple corn is anti-diabetes.

And according to testimonies, the Peruvian blue corn is effective to normalize blood sugar count. If you're taking maintenance drugs for your diabetes, you may want to try 5ml of the juice a day, and after a month have your blood sugar count checked. You can adjust your juice intake accordingly or as you see how the juice steadies your blood sugar count within normal levels, proving how purple corn is anti-diabetes.

The key is to do it gradually, one step at a time.


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