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Showing posts with label Purple Corn Carotenoids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purple Corn Carotenoids. Show all posts
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Purple Corn Carotenoids
Though not yellow, red, or orange, purple corn also has carotenoid. This is probably because purple has some amounts of red in it. And corn being naturally rich in carotenoids (and purple corn is corn), it's not hard to imagine why purple corn has carotenoids. Carotenoid is a very important micro nutrient, and among its vital types are lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin.
Purple corn juice carotenoids work best against cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Of course, along with lutein, purple corn juice carotenoids are good for eye health, especially in preventing macular degeneration. Carotenoids are easily converted by the body into Vitamin A, and that’s additional eye health, aside from its anti-cancer benefits. Have enough carotenoids and that’s also having enough beta-carotene.
Purple corn carotenoids also protect our cells, tissues, and genetic structure from damage. Free radicals can produce all these damages, causing them to oxidize and breakdown to destruction. Eat corn regularly, and drink purple corn juice, for free radical oxidation prevention.
Carotenoid may not be the dominant nutrient content of this deep blue corn, but we don’t need a large dose of it, anyway. In fact, you don’t need to drown yourself in purple corn juice just to get healthy and cancer free. Just get enough. There’s no overdose, but there should be wisdom in everything. Your body does not need a bombardment of carotenoids and anthocyanin.
Purple corn is also rich in flavonoids, and teaming up with carotenoids would prove to be effective against heart and eye diseases, infections, virus, bad bacteria (the team up is good for fighting against the flu), and against cancer.
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Anthocyanin Strengthens Capillaries and Blood Vessels
Anthocyanin is Anti Asthma
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Antioxidant Benefits: Boosting Natural Immunity
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How Powerful is Purple Corn Anthocyanin
How Purple Corn Helps Brain Health
How Purple Corn is Anti-Diabetes
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Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power
Purple Corn Carotenoids
Purple Corn Flavonoids
Purple Corn Juice Sublingually
Purple Corn Juice is Anti Heart Diseases and Obesity
Purple Corn is Anti-Aging
Purple Corn: The Most Powerful Food on the Planet
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Two Kinds of Anthocyanin
Your Body Naturally Produces Antioxidants
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